Published date:2014-03-27    Provided by:School of Science
From Dec 13th to the 13th, 2013, Professor Mete Atature, Dean of atomic, molecular, and optical physicsresearch of Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University, visited the School and Science. His major research involves Quantum information, quantum communication, and quantum computation etc. and has published more than 60 articles on internationally acclaimed academic magazines such as Nature, Science, and Physical Review Letters.
During his visit, Professor QiboFeng, Dean of School of Science, and Associate Professor Zhengyong Li had a pleasant meeting with Professor Mete Atature, who also met with Professor Jinsheng He, Assistant of the Dean of the School of Science, Professor Chongqing He, the entire faculty of Optical Physics and some faculty of the Physics department, to discuss aspects such as scientific project cooperation and training. Professor Mete Atature also gave a report named “Network Architectures with Quantum Dot Spins and Photons” to teachers and students of the School of Science.